Thursday, June 27, 2013

Peoplesoft fitment to Indian Payroll requirements

The below is the summary on how Peoplesoft Payroll can support the Indian Payroll requirements. All Indian Payroll requirements were gathered and analyzed on how the PS Payroll will be supporting each of the requirement.

Apart from the requirements, the document also covered the reporting requirements and how Payroll module of Peoplesoft support

With Indian Payroll changing on regular basis, the document may need updates. I request the readers to provide the inputs while the regular updates happen from here as well.
REQUIREMENT Description Fit/Gap Suggestion for the Gap
BASE SALARY Basic Salary earned by the employees Fit  
BASE HOURLY Hourly basic salary paid to the employee.This is applicable mostly for POI Fit  
Dearness Allownaces    Fit  
House Rent Allowances   Fit  
Lunch Allowances   Fit  
Coveyance Allowances   Fit  
Special Allowances   Fit  
SHIFT Allowances When Employee works in shift , the shift allowance is paid in percentage,hourly , fixed amount Fit  
OVERTIME 1.5 Overtime worked by the employee , the salary paid wil be 1.5 times the basic salary Fit Overrtime factor(here1.5) can be configured depending upon the organisations requirement
BONUS bonus payment given to employees, based on the employee's performance and the performance of the company.  Fit  
Allowances Earnings   Fit  
Leave travell allownaces payout Leave tarvel allownaces paid to the employees Fit  
Medical allowances payout medical allowances paid to the employees Fit  
Tax   Fit  
Income tax   Fit  
Tax imposed on LTA   Fit  
Tax imposed on Medical allowances   Fit  
Tax imposed on Loan    Fit  
Tax Reporting      
Individual Income tax withholding report   Fit  
  Employee income payment detail report   Fit  
Loan Deduction Use the LOAN deduction to calculate and deduct loan repayment amounts from an employee's pay Fit  
Advance Deduction Use the ADVANCE deduction to calculate and deduct advance repayment amounts from an employee's pay Fit  
Provident fund for employees Use to calculate the employee's provident fund contribution. Fit  
provident fund contribution by employers Use to calculate the employee's voluntary provident fund contribution. Fit  
Employee state insurance   Fit  
Employee State Insurance Employer Contribution (gc)   Fit  
Tax deduction at source.   Fit  
Labour Welfare Fund This is different for diferent states fit  
LTA   fit  
Medical allowances   fit  
Other allowances   gap needs to be configured as per the organisations requirement
Payment during various conditions      
Termination   fit  
Absence absences are tracked using absence management and the payment is made depending on the proceesing rule aatached for the employee fit  
Process tax and insurance deductions for employers and
Dependins on the calculations set in the processing rules fit  
off cycle processing  depending upon the requirement off cycle payroll process is run . For eg when the employee gets terminated. fit  
Absence Rules Can be configured according to the requirement .The base tables and calculation rules will be set up accordingly and is done using absence management module fit  
Calendars Can be configured according to the requirement . fit  
Holiday schedule Can be set up according to org requirement fit  
Employee grouping Employee grouping is possible on various criteria  fit  
Retroactive methods forwarding retro and corrective retro are delivered fit  
Benefits Employee benefits and dependary data comes from base benefit module fit  
Security delivered roles are available for payroll administartor, hr administartor,health &  safety administrator fit  
Process list Various Process lists are delivered for processing absence, bonus and payroll .The calculation rules are defined here fit  
Basic banking set up to set up basic bank information, bank branch information,source bank account , fit  
Setting up accounts  To set up account foreach employeee of the org  fit  
Electronic fund transfer file(EFT) generation of  electronic funds transfer (EFT) files and reports are delivered process  fit  
Payslips templates These can be configured as how the display should be as per the org's requirement fit  
Managing year end Processing      
Reporting forms various reporting forms are  delivered and year end reports are generated based on this fit  
Form 3A.      
Form 5.      
Form 6.      
Form 7.      
Form 12BA.      
Form 16.      
Form 24.      
Form 24Q e-filing.      

Report Name Description fit  
Profession Tax Calculates and reports on profession taxes fit  
NEW ESI ENROLLMENT (new employee state insurance enrollment) Generates a list of employees enrolled in employee state insurance (ESI). fit  
List Of Employees Terminated From ESI (list of employees terminated from employee state insurance) Generates a list of employees terminated from ESI. fit  
NEW PF ENROLLMENT (new provident fund enrollment) Generates a list of employees enrolled in provident funds. fit  
List Of Employees Terminated From PF (list of employees terminated from provident fund) Generates a list of employees terminated from provident funds. fit  
ESI Remittance (employee state insurance remittance) Generates ESI remittance statement reports. fit  
PF Remittance (provident fund remittance) Generates provident fund remittance statement reports. fit  
List of Taxable Medical Amount of Employees Calculates and reports on medical allowance taxable amounts. fit  
List of Taxable LTA Amount of Employees (list of taxable leave travel allowance amount of employees) Calculates and reports on leave travel allowance taxable amounts. fit  
Form 24 (Income Tax) Generates details of all payments made to the employees, and the deductions and remittances made by the employer on behalf of the employee for the preceding financial year. fit  
Form No. 24Q Generates details of all payments made to employees, and TDS deductions and remittances made by the employer on behalf of the employee for the preceding quarter. Generates TDS tax data files for electronic submission. fit  
Form 16 (Income Tax) Generates Form 16 income tax data at the end of the year or upon employee termination. Generates required annual statements of remuneration paid to the employee and the taxes deducted from the employee and remitted to the tax authorities for the preceding financial year. One statement per employee is generated. fit  
Form 12BA Data Generates Form 12BA for every employee who has been paid taxable perquisites or profits in lieu of salary. Accompanies Form 16, Form 24, or both. fit  
Form 3A Data Generates Form 3A to provide details of employee provident fund contributions for the previous year. Accompanies Form 6A. fit  
Form 6A Data Generates Form 6A to provide details of employee provident fund contributions for the previous year. Accompanies Form 3A. fit  
Form 6 Data Generates Form 6 biannually to report employer contributions to the Employee State Insurance Corporation. fit  
Form 5 Data Generates Form 5 to report details of contributions and remittances of professional tax. fit  
ESI Form 7 Generates Form 7 to provide half-year reporting of consolidated employer and employee insurance contributions, by month. fit  
LWF Form A Generates LWF registration information. fit  

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