Thursday, July 4, 2013

Procurement Functions addressed by Multiple ERPs

The below is the analysis of how Procurement requirements are addressed by multiple ERPs. Some of the understandings can be wrong. I request readers to provide the inputs.

Module Area Parameters SAP ERP Infor LN6.1
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Fields for supplier data such as shipping methods, item references, and conditions Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Suppliers may have more than one address Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Store e-mail addresses, web sites, and fax numbers in vendor profiles Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Associate items with vendors' descriptions Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Code different vendor production lead times, taking into account both supplier lead time and transport time Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Bill-to-entity information including currency, bank, account number, and mode of payment Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Data related to bank, accounts, payment methods, currency, etc., are included in the payment profile Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Vendor shipment process with terms and acceptance requirements for reception Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers A primary vendor can be set as the default for each class Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Vendor group for miscellaneous purposes Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Identifier for approved vendors Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Profile of Suppliers Commentary about suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Year-to-date description of purchases in dollar value, by supplier Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Goods delivery times are maintained as statistics for each supplier Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Twenty-four month statistical performance data Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Average of early days and late days delivery Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Rejected salvaged in number and dollar value Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Analyzes suppliers' PO fulfillment performance based on significant data points such as cost or price and quality Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Historical tracking of supplier performance criteria, including crucial data on fulfillment satisfaction, delivery commitments, and quality. Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Maintains quality ratings of supplier products and performance Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Vendor rating statistics are automatically updated and reported Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Profile products Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Maximum quantity (based on size, volume, or weight criteria) of products that can be shipped in a container Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Include measurement unit on product stocking and invoicing Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Supplier rating Multiple search criteria for vendor data Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Users can manually enter requisitions, which update along with automatic entries Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Procurement system allows multiple line items and delivery schedules Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Quality codes included on purchase requisitions Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Requisitions can be approved in real time Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Processes requests for quotation (RFQ) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Manage and update supplier's quotes for particular items Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Purchase requisition reference to project, account, program, contract, and sales order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Quotation copies maintained for suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Returned/awarded quote information (quote effectivity range, lead item, and minimum lots) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Manages supplier quotation file by item or product with purging based on user-defined criteria (for example, date) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Displays planned purchase orders Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Support competitive quoting Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Requisitions and Quotations Retain requisition history Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders MRP requisition converts to a purchase order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Conversion of a planned purchase order to a PO electronically forwarded to vendor automatically Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Manually enter and send purchase order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Assigns sequential PO numbers automatically Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase order types including standard PO, blanket/contract, subcontract order/operation, purchase request, and return-from-stock Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase orders for miscellaneous (non-inventoried) items "Fast Path" Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Quotation entry includes data fields for effectivity dates, and pricing discounts and percentages Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders POs include the vendor's quotation number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Quality codes included on purchase orders Supported Modification
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Flow down of project or part notes to PO Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Vendor selection algorithm based on lowest price quote, strong delivery time, or preferred source status Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Supplier and item data may set as defaults upon placing POs Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Overrides default data with user-defined data by order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Order link to financial company for vendor selection Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Orders and suppliers link to the financial company, which links to the warehouse for transactions Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Categorizes POs by single; recurring; maintenance, repair, and operations supplies; specific project; or job-triggered orders Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Multiple order types including return and subcontract Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Control of default order type, order series, and warehouse code Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Matrix of vendors, by item, approved as alternate suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Contract and project number line item Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Order line and customer order line split for multiple deliveries Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Individual POs can handle more than one item Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Individual components may be divided for multiple lead times, including categories such as dock-to-stock and preparation lead times Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Codes for multiple deliveries of a specific item in a PO (may accommodate more than one date or location) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase quantity includes the measurement unit and conversion (for example, "meter" or "piece") Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders System's item file correlates vendor part numbers to internal part numbers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders System's item file maintains preferred vendors for specific parts as indicated by vendor number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Subcontracted purchase orders tied to work order operation; material supplied by either vendor or internal operation Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Parts, supplies, and services purchases Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Blanket POs may be issued, up to a specified quantity or dollar amount Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Blanket PO release control options Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Multiple line items per purchase order to accommodate blanket POs and subcontractor relationships Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Drop-ship, direct shipments, special order transit options traceable by serial number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Ship a complete order or portions of an incomplete order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Non-receivable items; No receipt expected Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Maintains purchasing conditions for specific order items (e.g., seasonal or promotional items) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Selected items in an order may be flagged for defect checking Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Notes for internal purposes may be excluded from printing, or printed when they're intended for external display. Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders PO line item comments may be entered in a user-defined or standard predefined format Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Line-item-specific delivery dates Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Automatically calculates delivery times and dates Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Cost tables and codes may be parameterized by supplier groups, individual suppliers, or companies Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Users control text entry and display formats Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase history is accessible in real time by supplier or part Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders System-generated POs may be routed for online review and approval Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders POs may be coded by their status as communicated by the MRP system. Codes should include planned, firm planned, and requisitioned Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase order line status includes released and closed indications Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Purchase order status and confirmation notes on the product and supplier Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Automatic system messages to follow up POs may be triggered by user-specified criteria Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Confirms POs by product numbers or PO number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders POs may be associated with contracts that require lot traceability Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Automatically flags past due deliveries and supports inquiries on future deliveries Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Provision to track non-recurring charges associated with a line item of a purchase order, such as tooling or setup charges. Should be connected to the line item, but separately identifiable and reportable Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Separate purchase order sequence for each business unit Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Automatically generate a PO number and assign it for each PO sequence Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Remote PO access and printing of associated documentation Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Workflow management: on-line approvals Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Supports purchase card activity Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Rules based automatic on-line notification of engineering change number (ECN) activity Supported Future Release
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Option to automatically create and maintain sub-contracted POs upon creation of sub-contracted work order operations Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Option to automatically close a sub-contracted work order upon receipt of associated sub-contracted PO Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Features to track foreign trade zone orders Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Purchase Orders Allow multiple buyers to procure same item for separate business units Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Price and discount table corresponds to individual suppliers and items Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Automatic update of an item's record based on the item's most recent purchase price Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Orders may be discounted manually or automatically based on the order line Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Price adjustments such as quantity discounts are determined from a grade table Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Vendor price may be changed for a product class in multiple vendor agreements Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Pricing and discounting tables include effectivity dates Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Suppliers may be chosen manually on the basis of best pricing or discounting Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Suppliers are chosen automatically on the basis of best pricing or discounting Supported Customization
Purchase Management Pricing Automatically updates prices and discounts based on a percentage or fixed amount Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Price rounding determined by established rates Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing Calculates PO price by searching price tables Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing POs may be generated in any currency Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Pricing View "hedge" contracts and adjust exchange rates on an order basis Supported Customization
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Agreements with suppliers may be discounted at different levels including the product level, product class level, and a level for general terms Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Agreement number designating common terms Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Defines normal contract and special contract types Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Contract effectivity dates (start and end) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Users may enter agreement start dates (a signal date) Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Contract terms may specify ranges for delivery dates and quantities Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements The price and discounts may be applied to the order total of the vendor agreement Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Batch mode price changes effective by product or purchase class Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Discounts may be entered on the screen (bracketed discount) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Assesses shipping and handling charges as a percentage of the order's value Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Provides (based on agreement) the date that a second discount issuance becomes available Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Schedule for delivery of each line item Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Users may choose to print an acknowledgement of the contract Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Purchase contract histories may be archived Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Standard documentation types for contracts, which can determine the contract status Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Contracts and Agreements Assigns contract data (automatically) to a purchase order line based on a link to MPS/MRP purchase requirements Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Entities within a company link to a common legal entity (for example, business units, plants, sites, etc.) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Consolidates enterprise-wide purchasing as a central unit Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Products classified within a purchase class default to a main vendor Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Verifies (and holds if necessary) receiving transactions on the basis of controls defined during purchasing Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Internal processing lead times provided based on products and warehouses Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Retain PO data for audit purposes (PO with electronic approval) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Determines product availability by subtracting outgoing orders from incoming receipts Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Forecasts the product reorder date (determined by stock estimates) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Purchase suggestion field contains products identified from available stock or reorder points Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Additional orders may be generated to designate special order characteristics Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Users may issue stock replenishment orders based on predefined terms Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Calculates ABC classification (items categorized based on usage per year) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Identification codes for purchasing agents sorted by warehouse or other method Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management History of POs Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Interface provides buyers with important purchasing criteria factors Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Maintains PO history information by item Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Users may maintain purchasing files from any terminal, PC, or workstation Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Analyzes purchase statistics based on user-defined criteria Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management In-depth reports on purchasing statistics defined by specific parameters Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Determines, measures, and reports statistics for purchase budgets Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Compares budgets Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Users may authorize supplier invoices on the basis of packaging slips or line level Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Reports shortages and schedule information to suppliers in real time Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Tracks consigned inventory, in real time, to include inventory segregation and payment control Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management PO Management Online tracking of PO maintenance history Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Entities within a company link to a common legal entity (for example, business units, plants, sites, etc.) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Consolidates enterprise-wide purchasing as a central unit Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Products classified within a purchase class default to a main vendor Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Verifies (and holds if necessary) receiving transactions on the basis of controls defined during purchasing Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Internal processing lead times provided based on products and warehouses Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Retain PO data for audit purposes (PO with electronic approval) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Determines product availability by subtracting outgoing orders from incoming receipts Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Forecasts the product reorder date (determined by stock estimates) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Purchase suggestion field contains products identified from available stock or reorder points Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Additional orders may be generated to designate special order characteristics Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Users may issue stock replenishment orders based on predefined terms Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Calculates ABC classification (items categorized based on usage per year) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Identification codes for purchasing agents sorted by warehouse or other method Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting History of POs Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Interface provides buyers with important purchasing criteria factors Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Maintains PO history information by item Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Users may maintain purchasing files from any terminal, PC, or workstation Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Analyzes purchase statistics based on user-defined criteria Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting In-depth reports on purchasing statistics defined by specific parameters Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Determines, measures, and reports statistics for purchase budgets Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Compares budgets Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Users may authorize supplier invoices on the basis of packaging slips or line level Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Reports shortages and schedule information to suppliers in real time Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Tracks consigned inventory, in real time, to include inventory segregation and payment control Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management reporting &Online reporting Online tracking of PO maintenance history Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Users (with proper authorization) may issue blanket POs for specified items, quantities, and time periods Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Includes established effective dates in contract orders and line items Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Tracks quantity or dollar value ranges for contracts Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Purchasing agent may establish special conditions for delivery by the vendor Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement PO line items maintain information pertaining to allocation, delivery, and purchase Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Shipping and delivery schedules for the vendor reported in physical or electronic formats Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Users (with proper authorization) may chart activity in the receiving calendar Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Creates blanket POs where the system issues automatic releases to production and notifies A/P (user-definable) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Queries on POs collected to the present date, and display according to user-selected parameters Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Reports an item's pricing history by supplier Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Delivery schedule may be sent electronically to suppliers (for example, via a file) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Delivery schedule updates may be sent electronically to suppliers (for example, via a file) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Reconciles and reports on POs automatically released to suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement POs released by a supplier may be changed Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement POs may require authorization upon release by suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Records and maintains supplier release transaction histories Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement PO receipts may be generated for EDI transactions as determined by users Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Predefined user parameters match EDI invoices with PO receipts Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Repeat Procurement Real-time matching of transactions with material shortage log Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Reports information on goods reception Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Receipt order or receipt number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Creates receipts based on the contract or project Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Multiple POs may be grouped as a single receipt for one shipment Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Automatically numbers receipts in sequence Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Calls up PO receipts in real time and updates inventory data Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Calls up PO receipts, in real time, for items received or services rendered, and updates inventory data Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Users may log and report on scrap or reject goods in real time based on a choice of PO, supplier, and item parameters Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Transactions for receipts include vendor certification and lot numbers as well as the results of quality tests Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Flags and updates using conversion factors when received unit of measure is different from ordered unit of measure Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Issues a claim note when the packing slip differs in quantity from the receipt Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Reports on material rejections (as for material tests and specification differences) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Reports on material rejections based on contract or project parameters Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Issues shipping and credit documents to suppliers for returns, or to obtain replacements for rejected materials Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Accept-with-rework category for received materials Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Real time orders may be issued to rework Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Provides receipts for materials requiring inspection upon reception Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Provides receipts, in real time, for materials that do not require incoming inspection (goods that go to stores without intervention) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Receives and processes drop-ship orders by line item on a PO Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Material receipt information may be noted Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Records and issues claims upon receiving materials that violate standards Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Records invoice to financial system as materials are received Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Issues reports in real time, comparing material received against production material shortages Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Logs receiving and releasing vendor transactions during shipment, component manufacturing, and material authorization Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Tracks and report on errors in batch processing on receiving materials Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Handles obsolescence data for material under shelf life control Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Correlates quantities of the PO with the received invoice Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Maintains changes to the pricing of materials Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Maintains data on purchases for analyzing, project accounting, and reporting Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management receipts Computes and posts price variances for standard cost accounting Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Create and use blanket purchase orders Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Provides a reference to a contract or master agreement Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Create multiple releases, each relieving a committed amount Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Multiple release capability at the line item level Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Provides a reference to the blanket purchase order that yielded a particular PO Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Manual instigation of purchase requisitions Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Creates a new requisition similar to an existing requisition using a copy function Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Enters and amends quote responses for requisitions while online Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Online reporting to all vendors, which includes providing a PO Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Create a purchase order from an existing requisition Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Search the vendor record via a short description of the vendor's name Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Multiple vendors for the same part are stored in a file; all vendors can be accessed for the same part with pricing visibility Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Stores "vendor qualification level" (e.g. qualified, non-qualified, and under evaluation) Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management OnLine requirements for Procurement Extracts and transmits PDF drawing files and other files to vendors Unrated Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print open PO detail information by vendor, item number, due date, or dollar value Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Generate past due reports by vendor or item number in due date sequence Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Automatic reminder for overdue shipments sent to vendors via fax or e-mail Modification Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on shipment and purchasing history Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on showing late deliveries (days late) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on orders placed Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on rejects (number and percent) Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on price variances Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print a vendor performance report based on dollar volumes Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Print selected ship-to locations on a purchase order Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Automatically faxes a purchase order to vendor Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Electronically transmits POs to suppliers Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Vendor profile fax numbers and e-mail addresses to be used for point-and-click transmissions of data to vendors Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing General ledger interface increases the raw materials account upon reception, and credits A/P using the standard cost setup for the inventory item number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing General ledger interface increases the raw materials account upon reception and credits A/P using the PO cost maintained for the item number Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Inventory system interface updates the average unit cost of the item received Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Inventory system interface increments on-hand quantity when a PO is received Supported Suppoted
Purchase Management Reporting and Interfacing Inventory system interface increments on-order quantity when a PO is opened Supported Suppoted

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