Saturday, November 5, 2011

Return Material Authorization (RMA)

After the goods are delivered there is a possibility that the customer may return the items partially or fully for various reasons such as item not acceptable, wrong delivery or others.

The Cycle is used to take the Materials returned by the Customer.

1.1 Setup:-

Item Master Attribute / Column Value
Define Item Type Finished Good
Inventory item Enabled
Stockable Enabled
Transactable Enabled
Customer Order Enabled
Customer ordered Enabled Enabled
Shippable Enabled
OE Transactable Enabled

1.2 Brief Steps

Step1:- Creation of the Item
Step2:- Creation of the Transaction Type
Step3:- Document Sequencing
Step4:- Creation of Pick List
Step5:- Creation of Customer
Step6:- Creation of Sales Order
Step7:- Receipt of Returned Items

1.2.1 Creation of the Item

Go to InventoryItemsMaster Items

Enter Item name and description of the item.

Go to ToolsCopy From

Attach template @finished Good to the Item

Save the Item

Go to Inventory Tab

Item should be Inventory Item, Stockable, Transactable and Reservable checked.

Go to Order Management Tab

Item should be Customer Ordered, Customer Orders Enabled, Shippable, OE Transact able checked.

Go to ToolsOrganization Assignment

Assign Inventory Organization for that Item.

1.2.2 Creation of Transaction Type

Go to Set up Transaction TypesDefine

Create a new Transaction Type Line. Select Order category as Return and Transaction Type code as Line.
Save it.

Create a new Transaction Type Order.
Select Order category as Mixed or Return and Transaction Type code as Order along with Fulfillment Flow as Order Flow-Generic.

Click Assign Line Flows and select the Order type and Line Type you have created.
Select the process name as Return for credit with Receipt.
Enter the start date and save it.

1.2.3 Document Sequencing

Go to Setup Documents Define

Enter the Name, select the application as Order Management, Select the Type as Automatic and give the initial value to start the document sequencing with.

Go to Set up Documents Assign

Select the Application, Category i.e. Transaction type created and Set of Books from LOV (List of Values).

1.2.4 Creation of Price List

Go to Pricing Price Lists Price List Setup

Enter Name for your price list and save it.
Now go to Line Lines Tab and select the Item you have created in the product value. Enter the price for that item and save it.

1.2.5 Creation of Customer

Go to Customers Standard

Enter the Name and Address of the Customer.

1.2.6 Creation of Sales Order

Refer Order Fulfillment Cycle Process for creation of Sales Order.

Order Fulfillment Cycle Process is as under

EnteredBooked Pick Release Ship and Close
Status of the Line will be closed.

1.3 RMA Process
As per the sequence of steps explained above, any sales order is delivered as ordered by the customer. While there are many variants to the this flow, only standard sales order delivery process was explained as the context of this document is about managing returns.

Whenever the goods are returned, the sales rep or the service engineer enters the return of the items as below.

Go to Order Returns Sales Order

Enter Item and quantity to be returned with Line type as Return type.

Select the Return Reason in the Returns Tab from LOV and Save it.

Line status will be Awaiting Return.

1.3.1 Receipt of the Returned Items

Go to Purchasing Receiving Receipts.

Go to Customer tab and enter the RMA Num and click find.

Receipt Header window will open.

Go to Receipts window and tick the line to be received.
Enter the Location to whom quantity has to be returned and save it.
From Receipt Header get the Receipt no.

Go to Purchasing Receiving Receiving Transactions

Click Customer Tab and enter the Receipt no and click find.

Enter the Subinventory and save it.

Go to Sales Order and line status will be Returned.

Go to Inventory On-hand, Availability On-hand Quantity

Enter the Item returned in the Item/ Revision field and click find to check the quantity on hand.

You will get the on hand quantity of the Item.

Go to View Requests Submit a new Request OK

Enter the Name as Workflow Background Process from LOV.
Go to parameters, enter the Item type as OM Order Line and insert yes in Process defined and Process time out and click OK.
Submit the request.

Work flow background process will run and close the sales order line.

Go to Sales order, the line status will be closed.

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