Friday, December 7, 2012

Raja Ivaturi - Oracle Expert: Track configuration details of PTO models when shi...

Raja Ivaturi - Oracle Expert: Track configuration details of PTO models when shi...: Business Scenario The configuration relations are not created for PTO Configurations when a shipment occurred through partial shipmen...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Decided to remove the posts

I posted many of my experiences and thought the readers will actively participate. I saw that there were as many as 1800+ viwes and downloads with not even one comments. Not sure what is wrong, but I am not longer motivated to share any more of my knowledge or experience. people can still contact me for help.

Friday, February 10, 2012

No contributions No Comments

Can I believe this? But this is true. There are 1800 visits and many downloads of my posts. But no contribution and no comments. At this point this is very discouraging and giving me a right to think that there are many who want to take but not willing to give anything in return.

Please prove me wrong.